Sujee Maniyam, Big Data Practitioner and Co-founder, Elephant Scale Brien Porter, Sr. Program Manager Big Data Technology, Intel Software The abundance of data and affordable cloud scale has led to an explosion of interest in Deep Learning. Unfortunately, up until now deep learning libraries did not scale well to Big Data or integrate well with common Big Data ecosystem tools. BigDL is a revolutionary new library that allows massive parallelization leading to scalable deep learning. With BigDL, Customers can now bring Deep Learning and AI to their business by leveraging existing infrastructure in the data center on their familiar software (Apache Spark/Apache Hadoop) and Hardware (CPU) stack. In this hands-on session we will focus on: - Getting started with BigDL docker/VM on laptop with AWS - Running sample jupyter notebooks (LeNet/MNIST examples) - Classifying image and text using BigDL via code builds - Seeing BigDL in practice with customers.
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